Monday, April 5, 2010

LOVE...and macaroni salad...

So I'm feeding the kids lunch...which consists of leftovers from Easter...ham, orzo and some macaroni salad. The following conversation happens in the 4 quaint walls of my kitchen (actually two walls and 2 half walls).

Niko: "May I have more meat, please?"
Me: "Yes, eat your other food, too."
Niko: "Well, I tried the macaroni but I didn't like it."
Me: "You didn't!? Oh, but Lolo made it."
Niko: "Oh, maybe he just didn't put enough Love in it."
Me: "But Lolo always cooks with love. that's why his food tastes so good."
Niko: "But maybe he doesn't know the kind of love that I like. I like the love that comes from inside (he starts rubbing his chest)...the kind that's in his blood vessels that comes from his arteries."
Me: Staring at the wall in disbelief because I'm wondering what the heck my 6 year old just said to me and where he would come up with that!!??

So I just gave him more ham...

(cut away to an Oscar Mayer Bologna commercial...)

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