Monday, April 5, 2010

Welcome to my blog...

This is my blog...for me...written by my kids. I've always sent out random emails to family and friends with things that my kids have said or done. I could probably put a small book together but I wasn't smart enough to keep all these sayings in one place. So now, I'm finally taking the advice of everyone and jotting things down. Often, I feel like I'm in a Seinfeld episode with little people...often practicing my "duh" look for the cameras to cut away to a commercial. So in the meantime, while I'm filing these stories away for when my kids have their own can read and follow along and enjoy a quick laugh or hoot and holler!

You'll quickly learn about the characters in this blog...but I'll give you a quick rundown...
Meet Niko:
6 years old; wants to be a Jedi or Ninja or UFC fighter...just depends on what day it is. He's sweet as can be, still cuddles with me, tells me I'm beautiful, notices that I got my hair or nails done...kind of like a mini version of my husband. So I'm lucky that way.

Meet Sophie:
5 years old; can't take her anywhere without some stranger stopping us to say how her hair is so beautiful and she's so pretty. she used to give me the "roll the eyes, drop her jaw, and slow blink" as if to say "thanks, you're not the first"...but I've gotten her to say "thank you" and flash an academy award winning smile. Would like to be an animal doctor when she grows up...currently takes on roll as Momma Hen.

Meet Olivia:
3 years old...going on teen-age Hollywood diva. She's funny, goofy, a bit mean or a lot mean (depending on the day). She LOVES her baby sister, Loves to be a big helper, and in a split second, can be found screaming with uncontrollable anger at her older sister or brother. Huge fan of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber (or Justin Beaver, as she would say it.)

Meet Madeline:

2 Years old...Loves Play-doh, lip gloss and wears her Spider-Man hat EVERYWHERE!

You'll meet Fiona at a later date...she's 4 months old and doesn't have much to say but I'm quite confident she'll be a major character in the upcoming months.

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